Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Little Baseball Fan and Shoes

Today Adam randomly asked Olivia if she would rather go with him to Houston for an Astros Game or go to SeaWorld for the weekend. She took about 3 seconds to declare that she would MUCH rather go to an Astros game. He was "ever so" pleased. A few minutes later, he says "Olivia would you rather go to an Astros game in Houston with me or stay here and go get a pedicure with mommy?" (None of these things are a reality...he is just throwing out random questions. Well, a pedicure is always my reality!) Olivia takes about 1 second to answer, "Go get pedicures with mommy!" He was puzzled and asked"why?" She said, "the people at the pedicure place like me and it feels good!" Like, hello? I think Adam is starting to realize that he is surrounded by girly girls!

About the shoes...I am thinking of investing in a pair (probably from Ebay) of Cole Haan Air Pumps. Has anyone worn these or heard about them? They are supposed to be "heavenly" as far as heels go. I would love to know if this is true before I buy!

Monday, April 27, 2009


This is a random selection of pictures from San Fran trip. I am still too tired to write much. Between traveling with 2 kids and coming home to a broken AC, I am worn out, hot, and have frizzy hair!

Friday, April 17, 2009


The girls and I are excited that it's Friday. Daddy is on vacation next week and we are going to San Fran on Monday! TGIF!

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Don't Think She Was Too Happy With Me

The other night Amanda was fussing. I was in the middle of folding laundry and decided it would be okay to let her cry for a minute or two while I finished folding. The crying became more intense and finally I gave up. I got her a bottle and sat down to feed her. I looked down and...

I think she was trying to tell me something!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The "Actual" Easter Pics

Getting ready for church.

The Easter bunny was good to us!

Really Good!

Liv dying her eggs!

Me and the girls: Me=Chubberific!

Daddy lends a hand.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

These are not actually our Easter day pictures, but Liv and I dressed Amanda up in some of her Easter attire on Friday and took some photos. More Easter photos to come...

This adorable outfit was a hand-me-down from Reagan, I think? Wherever it came from, it's totally adorable. I could only let her wear it for a photo because I was too worried about it getting spit-up on!

Liv is trying to get Amanda to smile in this picture, but instead it's just "sisterly advice!"

My Aunt Sheila and Uncle Greg sent this adorable bib to Amanda. She also has a bunny rattle attached to her arm. She wore it all day. My little honey bunny!


I was sitting here typing the above post and things got quiet all around me. This is what the rest of my family is doing right now.

I don't know why Adam appears to be choking himself in this picture. He is fine. Snoring and all!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Oklahoma Pictures

These pictures represent a glimpse into our trip to Oklahoma. Olivia and Amanda got to visit with their Aunt Bree and she gave Olivia her cute summer hair 'do! The girls also got to visit with (and for Amanda "meet") her great grandma and great grandpa Goodman. Mimi had an Easter lunch for us and made bunny cakes, a Goodman family tradition. It was such a fun and relaxing weekend. With no internet access and limited cell phone reception, there was nothing to do but hang out, eat, visit, and catch up on movies!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Good Friday!

I am still trying to get myself in order after my trip. I plan to get the pictures posted this weekend plus Easter pics. I took some pics of Amanda in her various Easter attire this morning and the girls having matching dresses for Sunday. Happy Easter to everyone. Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

We're Baacck!

The girls and I got home from our LONG road trip last night. It took us almost 12 full hours in the car to get home with all of our stops, but both girls were good and we made it with no trouble. Olivia only threw up once in the car. *Those of you that know her know that this is a record of sorts. I have lots of pictures to share, but for now I am trying to get unpacked and get things back to normal. I will post photos soon.

Friday, April 3, 2009

On the road...

We are at a diner in Pauls Valley, OK. On the road to Mimi's house! More on Brit and the trip later...