Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Stop the Presses...

Can this really be this biggest news story for today?

Starbuck's is closing it's doors for 3 hours in order to assist baristas in perfecting their cappucino making craft. Not only is this a top story on both Fox News.com and CNN.com, but CNN has a pole up about the closure asking voters what they are going to do during the 3 hour hiatus. I voted so that I could see the top answer. I was disappointed to see how many liars there were reading CNN. (CNN is for worldly, well informed, honest people right?) 84% of people poled said that they did not go to Starbuck's. I think that about 50% of those people are in denial about their Starbuck's addiction and the other 30% answered the pole while sipping venti, non-fat, extra hot, no foam, double-shot mocha lattes and typing on their laptops at their local Starbuck's shop. If the lines at my Starbuck's store are any indication...only about 4% of people are not stopping off at Starbuck's at least twice a week on their way into work. The reason more Buckies like myself have not answered the pole (I voted that I was going to hide under my desk during the closure) must be due to the thought that for 3 hours tonight, there are no grande, non-fat, 2 Splenda lattes to be had and that, to me, is REALLY scary.

1 comment:

Elissa said...

This cracks me up, and I wanted a Starbucks tonight. Guess I will have wine instead. :-)