Friday, October 3, 2008

Cancerversary Photos

These are some photos that I took over the last year. The last picture was taken on August 2, year after my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. You will see how great she looks. It is hard to believe that just 12 days later, she was told that she would die.

This photo was taken in the hospital at about 4 a.m. after her hysterectomy on August 2, 2007. She had known that she had cancer for about 7 hours, but the anaesthesia was just wearing off and she really knew what was happening. Still smiling.

And then she danced...

Christmas 2007...Olivia made no mention of the fact that Nana had no hair!

MLK weekend 2008...We had so much fun playing with Nana's hats and wigs.

February 2008...The wig was not mom's favorite. It was just too much hair, I think!

Bald is Beautiful! Olivia didn't mind at all.

This photo was taken in mid-July 2008. Mom knew she had 2 new tumors but had not been told whether they were cancer or not. She had a feeling that they were.

August 2, 2008. We took Olivia to the Circus and then Elissa & Reagan joined us for a trip to the American Girl store and dinner in their cafe. What a way to celebrate a cancerversary!

There are a couple of more pictures that I would like to post documenting Olivia's time with mom in her last days. I have not downloaded those yet, but these seemed appropriate considering the "Cancerversary" story of the last month!

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