Sunday, February 13, 2011

Please HELP!

There is a little girl named Elizabeth that needs your help! She is beautiful, smart, and happy! She was born with down syndrome in a country where her mother was either not allowed to keep her or didn't want her. She was placed for adoption and at age 5, when she had not yet been adopted, she was sent to live out the rest of her life in an institution. She does not belong there. None of these precious children across the world from us deserve to be institutionalized but it happens every day. We cannot save every child, but there is hope for Elizabeth. She has a forever family that is ready to bring her home. (This is where you come in!) They need a little help with the funding.

Did you know that if everyone who clicked on this blog each day contributed $5.00 that the Clark's would have enough money to bring Elizabeth home in just one day? I don't have many readers. It does not take much. That is a coffee or lunch at Subway. It is the stickers you buy for your child at Target or the beer you have at happy hour after work. $5.00 could change the life of a beautiful little girl and her waiting family.

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