Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Nanny" (Hanna) at 4 Mos.

"Nanny," as we like to call her, had her 4 month well check today. She is doing well and meeting all of her milestones. Her head measurement is 41.5 cm and is in the 50th-75th percentile. She weighs 11 lb 6 oz and is in the 10th percentile for weight (this is normal for my babies until about age 3) and her height is 23.5 inches and the 25 percentile. She has the smallest head of the 3 girls at this age, she is the tallest and about on par with her sisters in the weight area at 4 months. The doctor loved how smiley she was and had fun tickling her feet and listening to her giggle.

All 3 kids had some form of treatment today. Olivia had her flu mist, Amanda her flu shot booster, and Hanna her DTAP, Polio, Prevnar, and HIB shots. Olivia wanted the flu mist (not a shot) but was pulling away and hesitant when the nurse brought it in. So...Amanda went first and took her shot like that "champ." She let out a little shriek and then was up and at 'em again. Olivia decided if Amanda could take the shot like that, she could take her flu mist and all went well. Hanna cried when she got her shots but fell asleep immediately and was fine afterwards.

As a treat, the girls got to have lunch with their daddy. They were so happy and are looking forward to Christmas this weekend!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Perfect Lily

I found this blog, A Perfect Lily, through my sister's blog. Patti is doing great things for orphans with down syndrome. Go to her blog now to enter to win an iPad. What a great gift for you or someone else! And you would be helping wonderful kids find a forever home!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Daddy Daughter Date Night

Olivia and Adam were invited to go to a Longhorns game last weekend. They had a great time and the girls loved "being cheerleaders" and meeting the real UT cheerleaders. As most of you know, the Horns have really embarrassed their fans this year but at least for this game, they made us proud. It must have been the new little cheerleaders!

* I know Liv has gotten a lot of blog face time lately, but I promise more pics of Amanda and Hanna to come!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Olivia's Thanksgiving Program

The kids were so cute all dressed up as pilgrims and indians. We got to see their show and then they had their feast. So much fun!!!

More Cheer

The Trophy!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Go Dragons!

Liv cheered for the Round Rock Pee Wee Dragons this fall. I took tons of video but very few still pics. These photos are from her last game of the year. The team played at the Round Rock HS stadium and the girls cheered on the sidelines. Liv was so excited that the parents would be watching from the bleachers instead of the sidelines. The Dragons pulled off a sweet V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby Sister

Hanna LOVES Olivia. She smiles every time she hears Olivia's voice or sees her face. She is cooing (mainly at Olivia) but sometimes for mommy too and is quickly learning how to defend her property against her big sister, Amanda. Amanda loves to steal Hanna's blankets and pacifiers (even if she has her own in hand!). She can roll from her stomach to her back and of course does this because she hates tummy time! She still has her blue eyes! Adam's grandma Margie had beautiful blue eyes and passed away about a month before I got pregnant with Hanna. We like to think that she has Margie's eyes and maybe she will have her soothing, melodic voice too! (She won't be getting any singing talent from me!) She is just as precious and special as her 2 big sisters and we are thankful for her everyday!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

All About Hanna Michael

My precious Hanna is almost 11 weeks old now. She weighs 9lbs 8 oz and is 21 inches long. She is a little squirt. She is the sweetest, quietest little baby girl. She loves to smile and LOVES to look at pictures of her big sisters. She immediately breaks into a smile when she sees her Ya-Ya (Olivia) or Beezy (Amanda). The girls are all adjusting to one another well and Amanda is finally calling her sister "Hanna" and not Abbie. (Sometimes!!!)

I have been very blessed!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Olivia's class took a field trip to a pumpkin farm. I took the other 2 girls and we took our annual pumpkin patch pictures! They were not so easy this year...

My Little Fisher-Woman

Adam took Olivia fishing and she caught this 1 lb bass on her pole. It broke the pole but it was her catch and she was so proud. She made Adam clean it and bring it home. She has not eaten it yet, but that is her plan!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


My dad pointed out that I have not "blogged" in quite some time. I am guilty of several things. The first being that I am busy with my 3 girls. I also got an iPhone and have been on the computer less and less. In addition, there has not been much going on in the Shingleton household. (For this, I am thankful!) The following are some updates on the girls:

Liv is cheering for the Round Rock Dragons this football season. She is good at cheerleading and has won an award the last 2 weeks for cheering the entire game without sitting down or whining. (This award is from her coach, not me!)

She is in her last year of preschool and loving her class and her teacher Ms. Amy.

We are going on her first field trip next week to a pumpkin patch in Marble Falls and she cannot wait!


Amanda is talking up a storm. Some of our favorites are: "I know" and "It's Oh-Kway!"

She is in a play group now with 4 other friends who will attend the same preschool next year. They have fun playing together and I am so glad she is getting to know some children her age.

Amanda is taking a children's music class and loves playing the instruments and singing along to the fun songs. She is very friendly and "talks" to all the other children and their moms!


Hanna is growing so much each day. She loves her bottles and bath time. She is working on her smile and seems to be another "daddy's girl!"

We have been so blessed with these beautiful girls! I plan to do better with my blogging and look forward to sharing more of our adventures via this blog!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


My mom died 2 years ago. September 18, 2008 at 5:43 a.m. I guess you can call this post a "cop out" but my sister's post was so beautifully written and the pictures were so perfect that I decided to just link up to her post. I encourage anyone who has not read it to take a trip over to Elissa's Blog: Sounds Like Life to Me!

This was our last picture together. Amanda was in my belly and mom knew she was a little girl to be named "Amanda" after her. I know this picture may be hard to look at, but to me this is reality. Ovarian cancer is a silent killer and September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Amanda Shares with Hanna

Amanda decided to share her toys with Hanna. Hanna is not quite ready for toys yet, but it's the thought that counts.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Abbie Loves Her Sissy

Elissa always teases me and calls me the baby whisperer. I am not a baby whisperer by a long shot but Abbie does smile at me every time I get her in my arms. She has started cooing at me too. We tried to catch her big grin last night but just managed to get this cute pic!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Princess Dance Camp

Olivia and her friend Brooklyn went to Princess Dance Camp last week. They had such a good time. On Friday, they had a recital for the parents. The girls did the most adorable dance and they all looked so cute.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Friday Night Fun

We had Reagan and Abbie spend the night on Friday night so Elissa and Steve could celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary. The girls had so much fun playing and having a sleepover, even though they all slept in separate rooms. (Reagan and Olivia fight like sisters so sometimes we have to keep them on opposite sides of "the ring." They love each other with that "no holds barred" kind of love!) Anyway, I didn't get any pictures of the girls playing, but I did take an adorable shot of Liv holding Abbie and Adam teaching Abbie to root for the Astros. She was doing a little fist pump and we were sure she said her first words, "Go Astros!"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Long Time...

I haven't blogged in over a week. We haven't had too much going on and I haven't taken many pictures and most of my blogs revolve around pictures. Here is what IS going on...

Liv got her ears pierced last Saturday. She has talked about doing it for several months but has never actually gone through with it. Last weekend she randomly told me that she was ready. I agreed to take her but only if she actually did it. And she did! She was so proud and she looks so cute with her blue stone earrings!

Liv has been going to dance camp this week and she started cheerleading. You would think that she would be worn out, but she is still full of energy and sass!

Amanda is talking more and more every day. She says "Head-O" (Translation: Hello) which is my absolute favorite. She will no longer ride in a stroller and just wants to keep up with her big sister.

I am still rolling along. Tired and ready for #3 to arrive, but also just trying to enjoy my summer and my girls!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Raising Money for Down Syndrome in Honor of Abbie

Can you resist this little face? (Not mine, ignore that!)

On May 12, 2010, my gorgeous niece Abbie was born. As some of you know, she is enhanced! She has an extra chromosome which means that she has Down Syndrome. On October 24, there will be a Buddy Walk in Georgetown benefiting Down Syndrome. Our team is called Abbie's Army. I encourage you to join our team, donate to our cause, or both!!! The link below will tell you more about Abbie and allow you to make donations. If you would like to join us in the walk, please let me know and I can send you the registration information. Thank you in advance!!

As of today, we are at 40% of our goal. It would be so great to meet and/or exceed our goal early. This is a fabulous cause for the most fabulous little girl!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Go Astros!

Adam took Olivia to her first Astros home game tonight. She loves the Astros almost as much as her dad.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Liv At The Museum

I have not talked to my little lady in 4 days and I miss her so much. She decided that it was easier on her not to call us. We have been getting daily updates from Adam's parents, but nothing directly from Liv. These are some pics of her at the museum. Looks like fun!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Little Pony

Amanda brought me a rubber band yesterday and put it up on her head. She wanted a ponytail. We tried. I think she looks like Pebbles with a side pony!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Liv's First Day with PaPa and Happy

Liv is spending this week in Houston with her PaPa and Happy (Adam's dad and step-mom). Yesterday they took her to NASA. I received lots of pictures via e-mail of their trip. It looks like so much fun. My favorite is the one of Olivia in the space helmet. I remember wanting to be an astronaut when I was young and I bet Liv will feel the same way after her day at NASA! I miss her, but it looks like she is having plenty of fun and staying busy!!!