Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Late Night Visitors

I was lying in bed last night around 4 a.m. trying to fall back to sleep. I have no idea what woke me up to begin with, but I started hearing little sounds from the back patio. It sounded like a dog or cat was out there, but the cat was in our bed and the dog (we are dog sitting) was snoring loudly enough for me to know that he had not been left out for the night. I got up and crept to the back door. There, sitting at the back window, like a pet dog or cat was....

Mr. Raccoon!

I woke Olivia up and we watched the raccoon snoop around the porch and creep through the yard. Andy (the cat) woke up and came to door with us and when he spotted the raccoon he jumped against the window blinds and scared the 'coon away. We watched him shimmy up the back fence and scramble over. This raccoon is about 4 times the size of the cat and is by far, the biggest raccoon that I have ever seen!


Unknown said...

She is really something, isn't she!?

Unknown said...

Sorry, this comment was meant for the pic of Amanda, not the raccoon . . .