Thursday, January 27, 2011

Amanda is 2

Amanda woke up sick on her 2nd Birthday.

Dear Amanda,
Today you are 2. The last 2 years have been so full of joy. You are a bright star. You are strong-willed, independent, and so sweet. You talk very well and love to tell your big sister to "go to time-out!" I think that you are one of the prettiest little girls ever. Your smile makes me smile every day. You are a wonderful daughter, little sister to Olivia, and big sister to Hanna. We all love you so much and wish you a HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY!!!

Some of my favorite "Amanda-isms"

"Where bop is?"-Where is my bop?
"What?"-in response to me when I call your name
"E" before everything-"E BaBa," "E-Bop,"etc...
"Mommy, I spilled"-When you threw up
"B-Bob"-Sponge Bob
"Me-Mouse"-Mickey and Minnie Mouse
"I sing"-you want to listen to your kids CD in the car
"Rush Teeth" or "Rush Hair"-Brush Teeth or Hair
"Rella" and "Tinkabell"-Cinderella and Tinkerbell
"An-E-mole"-your stuffed animals
"Babies"-your blankets
"Sauce"-Apple Sauce
"I jump high"-I want to jump on the trampoline
"Cup-Caaaaake"-Strawberry Shortcake
"Buggies and Bunnies"-Poopy Diaper
"Meek Up"-Make Up
"Op-it"-Open it
"Scootch"-Move over

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