Friday, April 9, 2010

Love My Livvie

Livvie loves to give me little gifts. I posted a picture of a flower and some rocks that she gave me a couple of weeks ago. Last week she gave me this huge Jelly Bean key chain. It came in an Easter basket from Uncle Josh's parents. It had bubbles in it and when she had blown all of the bubbles, she decided I would love the keychain. It is big and bulky and takes up lots of space, but I love it and have left it on my keys.

Today she came in from outside and told me that she had a special gift for me. She went into her room and emptied one of her piggy banks and gave me the bank. It is a Winnie-the-Pooh bank that she got for her first birthday, but I am going to keep it in my room so as not to disappoint her. She is such a sweet the girl. She is always thinking of other people and wanting to share her toys and treats with her sister and cousin. I have been so blessed.

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