Thursday, May 1, 2008

Too Busy To Blog?

Between our pending trip to Las Vegas, Olivia's dance recital, Adam's ruptured calf muscle (first and last softball game of the season--so much for that!), and Olivia's accident with the toilet paper roll (we'd have been better off leaving Tubee hangin!), it has been a long week. Not to mention work, birthday parties, out of town visitors...and it's only Thursday???

I am feeling very...

Thank goodness for Starbuck's and cell phone photo ops!


Elissa said...

What happened with Livie and the toiler paper roll?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever used your mascara when you have to wear glasses? You cannot see as you put it on. Therefore, you can end up looking like a clown. OR, if you have to tak ti off and reapply, it is the biggest hullabaloo! Wait til you're over 50! Ha!

Anonymous said...

It is not ananymous - it is your mother.

Anonymous said...

A n o n y m o u s anonymous - it is going to be a hard day!