Thursday, May 8, 2008

Vegas Baby!

We were in Las Vegas last weekend to celebrate Trey and Tori's wedding. A good time was had by all. It was a short trip for me since I stayed back for Olivia's dance recital, but totally worth it! Tori looked gorgeous and it was great to see so many of our friends together.

After looking at these photos, I have decided to boycott food, quit work, and devote myself 100% to running. Like Forest Gump, all day every day. I don't think that I was EVER as thin as some of these gals. Maybe in first grade?

1 comment:

Johnson Boys said...

OK seriously those girls need a cheeseburger and you need a glass of wine (of course in a non breakable glass) You are Goo--uuggeous (as they would say back where I come from)not to mention Hugh Hefner called and we are hired as the new girlfriends. Terry and Adam are going to decorate and do the yard work for him. :0)