Monday, June 8, 2009

Meeting Cousin Dane

Amanda met her cousin Dane for the first time over this past weekend. We actually had a lot of first meetings, so this week will probably be a week of "firsts" posts. Dane's daddy is my cousin, Justin. Justin and I were born 3 days apart and Amanda and Dane were born 9 days apart. Both are our second children. Here are the pics of Amanda meeting Dane. I think she likes him!

By the way:

These pics were taken within the first minute or so of their meeting. We put them on the couch together and Amanda immediately reached out for him and smiled! So sweet!

And, I don't know why every pic has red eye. I remove it on my computer and then when I post to blogger...IT'S BACK! Any ideas or suggestions for fixing this?


Amy H said...

so cute! but I don't know how to get rid of the red eye.

Elissa said...

He is quite cute. Such a boy too. Amanda looks gorgeous as always. :-)