Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Bella and Banjo got spayed and neutered on Monday. I know they were probably hurting but I couldn't resist taking a few photos of them with their "coneheads." How often are beagles just completely calm and still? It was a Kodak moment!


The Shingletons said...

I'm so excited that you have Amanda to look forward to during this time. I think her name is perfect! Maci's birthday is Jan. 13 and Molly's is Jan 30, so either of those dates would be perfect to help me remember it! And they thought the Shingletons would never have girls! WooHoo!
Love you! Give Adam a big hug for me!

Lauren and Brandon said...

They are both so sad that there will be no boofing in their futures!!! Poor boofless puppies! They both look so crestfallen. And why is Adam snickering at them in the corner?