Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Elissa tagged me on her blog so I am going to "humor" her and write my 7 random things...about me!

1) I am going crazy trying to furnish Olivia's new room. Furniture stores take WAY too long to deliver, not to mention that I am totally impatient!

2) I am already half way done with my X-mas shopping.

3) I am craving a margarita on the rocks with salt made with Patron Tequila. (Can't have that for another 3 months!)

4) I have stopped proof-reading all of my blog posts so I am sure that I have millions of errors.

5) Bella and Banjo got spayed and neutered yesterday and I took some cute pictures of them (with their cones on) and now I can't get them to download.

6) I am addicted to Pottery Barn Kids right now. (See, totally random!)

7) I am in a contest with my office mates for the next 6 weeks and cannot drink sodas! Good for the baby...bad for me! Ugh!


Elissa said...

Thank you for "humoring" me! No soda...Dear Lord what will you do without Coca-cola or Dr. Pepper?! Does it include no cranberry limeades from Sonic. If not, go with that...it is a good alternate (but probably has soda in it).

The Shingletons said...

Okay, you have got to meet my friends Aaron and Jamie that live there now!! jamie went to New Kids on the Block in Dallas last weekend!!Aaron is a worship leader at Austin Stone. It meets in some school there. Are you familiar with it all? Look at their blog from mine. Aaron's is under Aaron Ivey on my blog list and Jamie's is under Ivey famiy. Also look at Maris and Bush's. They live there too. You would love them.
I heard ya'll are having Thanksgiving. I would LOVE to be there!! I really think you should all come to Nashville for Thanksgiving...maybe next year. do you know is the baby is a boy or girl?? I'm so excited for you. When is the due date? I miss you guys! Keep in touch!