Thursday, August 13, 2009

Purchases, Pickles, and Pee

Olivia made her very first purchase today with her own money. She always wants to buy little trinkets (junk) when we are out shopping, so I told her that we would have to start using her money for her little "treasures!" She decided to buy some silly putty today at Hobby Lobby. She picked out her item, walked right up to the cashier, and pushed it towards the register. I helped her count out her $1.37 and she got her own bag and receipt. She was so pleased with herself. We play "store" all the time at home. She likes to take turns being the cashier and the customer. She always wants me to tell her how much her items cost when I am the cashier and she reminds me to give her the receipt. When she is the cashier, she even knows to ask me debit or credit when I pretend to swipe my invisible debit card. All the ladies at Hobby Lobby giggled when I told them it was her very first purchase "on her own!" They thought she was an old pro! I figure it's never too early to teach her about money. (Especially since she comes from a long line of seasoned shoppers! Her Nana would be so proud!)

Speaking of Olivia, tonight she asked me if she could have some pickled peanuts. I buy almonds to snack on and recently purchased the salt & vinegar flavored nuts. She had some earlier this week and must have related the vinegar taste to that of pickles. She loves pickles and therefore loved the almonds. I never thought of them as "pickled" but was tickled when she wanted her pickled peanuts a.k.a. almonds!

My last Olivia-ism of tonight is about pee. As many of you mommy's know, it is hard to even go potty by yourself when you have kids around. Olivia is always standing right next to me in the bathroom and watching my every move. Tonight she inspected my "pee" and said, "Mommy does your pee look orange?" I said, "No!" She said, "Do you know that if your pee is orange, then you are dehydrated?" Thanks Doc! She is such a little turkey! I don't know where she gets this stuff. Yes, it's true! But huh? Who is teaching her these things?

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