My mom got her CT scan results back yesterday after enduring 40+ radiation treatments, 6 rounds of chemotherapy, 5 blood transfusions, a kidney operation (due to the harsh effects of chemo) and about 150 blood tests. (Ok, the blood test count might be an exaggeration, but the rest of the numbers are right on!) Anyway, the
good news is that the scan was clear, but here is where it gets "criminal."
There are 2 types of crimes, pre-meditated crimes and crimes of passion. A crime of passion takes place generally once. A situation gets heated and someone does something that he/she probably would not have done had they not put put into a specific "situation." The criminal is punished for his/her act of violence and then in most cases he/she does not repeat his/her crime. (Unless you are Drew Peterson and then you are just an idiot--but that is neither here nor there.) Anywho, someone who plans their crime often does it over and over again as long as he/she can get away with it. They get a "high" from committing their offense and continue over and over again even after being punished. Only a small number of pre-meditating criminals become reformed. Most continue to commit their crimes as long as society will allow them the freedom to do so.
You say: "How does this relate to CT scans?"
I say: "Glad you asked. Let me tell you..."
(***The above statements are generalizations made by someone who has done no research and knows very little about criminology.***)
The way I see it, there are 2 kinds of cancer: "cancers of passion" and "pre-meditated cancers." Most cancers fall into the "cancers of passion" category. They come into our bodies, ravish them, make us sick, and once punished (surgery, radiation, chemo, etc...), they go away, never to come back. Remission.
My mom's cancer is a pre-meditated cancer. The crime is committed. The cancer is punished. The body gets torn apart by surgeries, radiation, and chemo. But, the cancer pre-meditates. It could come back to commit another crime. If it does, it will come back again and again to wreak havoc on its' victim, never learning a lesson. There will be crime after crime until the body cannot take it anymore.
So, here is where our friends and family come in...
You say: "What can I do?"
I say: "Thanks for asking! I was just about to tell you."
You pray for reform. You pray that this cancer criminal has done his time and has learned his lesson. You think positive thoughts. Send positive energy and ask God to let this cancer be gone from my mother's life...never to return. You keep saying these prayers day after day, month after month, and year after year. And for this I say,