Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bye Bye Amanda O!

In previous posts, I have mentioned that Adam, Olivia, and I make a family night out of watching American Idol on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. We have our favorites (We love you Cheesy!) and we have our singers that we love to hate! I have to say that last nights cast off, Amanda Overmeyer, was someone that we COULD NOT STAND. We could not love or hate her, just pure feelings of indifference. How did she even make it into the top 24? Yes, I give it to her, she is different. But... I think that I could go on stage with a hoarse throat, skunk hair dye, and leather pants while screaming into the microphone and be just as good!! (Ok, maybe not, but you must "get" what I am trying to say here.) When Ryan Seacrest announced that Amanda was leaving us, Olivia said "I no like her!" Sorry to all of the Amanda fans out there, but the Shingleton fam will not be purchasing her album or missing her throaty yelping that the Idols Live concert this summer! Adios Amanda! Or should I say "Peace Out!"

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